So content
I can not beieve that 2006 is basically over it was over a year ago that I fell pregnant with my little princess. She is about to experience her first Christmas, not that she knows what all the fuss is about, ut she is going to be a lot of fun. The poor little sausage is so frustrated at the moment cause she wants to get going, but can't just yet. All she wants to do is stand - which is still her favourite party trick. Last Saturday Maddy started solids and on Sunday we were at Nana and Baloo's house, sitting outside under the umbrella. I went inside for something and when I came back out I found Nana had shoved a piece of celery in her month. She thoughly enjoyed it and loved muching on it.
Madison is such a smiler and reminds me so much of Kylie - they look so very much alike. She is starting to giggle more regularly, even when she is dog tired she can still manage a smile or giggle for her mommy.
Another thing she is really trying hard to perfect is sitting, she still has a bit to go before she cn manage on her own, but the important thing is that she is trying. The only thing she isn't intrested in yet is rolling, I thinks she must think she is silly - she knows that lying on her tummy is hard work.
I must say that I am still loving being with my daughter everyday - sometimes it is hard going, but all I need to keep me going is one of her gorgeous smiles ( which are plentiful).
Posted by
3:41 pm
I haven't written for a while.... naughty mommy. On the 06/11 Maddy had her injections, my poor little darling had an owie on both legs. I wasn't too sure whether that was bothering her or if it was her teeth, as she was teething as well. Anyway, she has come out of it smiling, she smiles soooo much and at almost nothing. Even looking at my Guns 'n Roses Tatoo makes her glee.
Tomorrow Madison is 16 weeks old, I can't believe my little girl is growing up - I wasn't given the remote that has the pause button on. She must get to the stage of sitting and then stay like that.
The reason I call her a little rubbish is cause she is once again waking at night. Although she is so adorable, when she is finished feeding and I am burping her she starts cooing and giving me the biggest grins. This makes me grin which in turn make her grin even more ..... all is forgotten and forgiven.
Posted by
5:50 pm
Well, little Maddy has graduated to the big bath - and she loves it. She has outgrown her baby bath, it's a little cramped. Madison is now finding her hands - doesn't quite have full control, but I suppose practice makes perfect. The simplest things catch her attention .... like Greg's shirt collar of a picture on my shirt.
It is almost as if her eyes have opened to a whole brand new world, she does the cutest little things like stands stiffly and then stanps her left foot up and down while grinning proudly. Then when I change her bum ,yes Dad she has two - a clean one and a dirty one, and she has no nappy on she kicks her legs, but her right one does double time.
I enjoy every single day with her and love watching her discover her world around her.
Posted by
8:20 pm
Well, today the little darling is officially 3 months, already hearts are being melted by her gorgeous smile.
Posted by
12:05 pm
Today we went to the doctor for a follow up appointment, I put this little bunny suit on over her clothes as it was a cold day.... did she look adorable. Everyone commented on how cute she looked and Maddy confirmed this with the biggest grin. Dr Ban Abraham was convinced she had put on weight so we weighed her...... she is now 5.85kg and as one elderly lady said, ' She is a bonnie wee lass.
I have discovered that she likes it when she is standing on my lap facing me and I lift her up as far as I can, Maddy gives my big eyes and smiles.
At the moment she can't quite control her hands, but does she try - when I hold toys within reach she gets so excited and kicks and waves her arms. I can't believe that soon she will be putting everything in her mouth.
Posted by
2:10 pm
Well today Maddy made her first little giggle. It's kind of like her first smile where you think it is one but not too sure and then you say it has to be. Anyways, soon she will be giggling non stop as this little girl truely is the smiler. I just have to open my eyes wide and Madison rewards me with the biggest grin.
Last week we had a hectic one with Maddy having reflux, but since being on gaviscon she is doing so much better and going to bed with less wind.
Posted by
5:30 pm
My little girl is now 12 weeks and is just too adorable to explain. When she smiles at me I want to melt. Like when she stands and makes her little legs stiff, then her face breaks into this huge grin like she is just so damn proud of herself. Maddy loves it when you speak to her in her own language.... Agoo....Caaaa.... Gagagaga (all said with great enthusiasim and amazing facial expressions). She is so strong on her tummy, heaps of grunting and groaning goes on though.
On the 9/10 the Plunket Nurse, Joanne, weighed and measured her, she is now 58cm long and is 5.35Kg, so in about 3 weeks she grew 5cm - this is a huge growth spurt.
Some time we go through a hard patch, but generally Madison s a very content and happy baby. Watching TV is one of her favorite pass times, oh and farting - definately her Daddy's daughter.
Posted by
10:21 am
I was blessed with my beautiful daughter 2 months ago, she was and still is so beautiful. I couldn't and still can't stop looking at her - I enjoyed and still enjoyed holding her. She made and still makes me smile. What can I say?! ...... I absolutely and completely and unconditionally love my little Madison.
Thank you to the man of my Dreams for blessing me with Maddy,I truely am honoured to be the mother of his daughter. May he and his daughter know that I love them both so very much, infact what I wrote above is true for him too.
Posted by
4:32 pm
Well, yesterday, I ended up having to have root canal treatment .... man was that painful.
Posted by
2:09 pm
On Thursday my little Darling turned 8 weeks and had quite an unsettled day, I think Maddy was jealous that Mommy was spending time with Aunty Bibi - all she wanted was cuddles with her mommy. However, she rewarded me by going down at about 9pm and sleeping through till about 6:30am ...... you go baby girl!
Posted by
11:10 am
Well, today is Madisons Daddy's birthday, he is........(it's a secret), but not older than 42. He even got a call from Bob and Charlott in Texas - Maddy's Godparents. It's also Nana's birthday, you definately don't give a Nana's age away. Tonight the entire South African family (oh and Greg) are getting together to celebrate both their birthdays.
On Saturday (16/09/06) it was my birthday and Maddy met her Aunty Bibi for the first time, Maddy was very fasinated by her and when sitting next to her Aunty she stared at her, except of course when her favourite door was in view. However, that afternoon, Maddy had a delayed reaction to her Immunisations and was quite upset and not herself - she didn't want to sleep and wanted to constantly be with her mommy. But I now have my little girl back, she is so adorable and has started lying in her bed awake, while just looking around. She then goes to sleep on her own.
Posted by
11:23 am
On the day that Maddy turned 7 weeks, she went for her first immunisation shots. I was quite nervous and guilty as my little girl had no idea of what lay ahead. The poor little angel had two in one leg and one in the other, and the tears flowed. However, as soon as mommy picked her up she settled and fell asleep within 5 min. The rest of the day was a blur for her as the injections seemed to make her extremely tired. I did have keep her little legs wrapped up tight as each kick hurt for her.
Posted by
12:59 pm
Oh my gosh, Madison has being feeding since Thursday as if it were her last meal. The last couple days have consisted of feeding and lack of sleep (for both of us) - she has been through such a growth spurt. By Saturday I was desperate and pleaded with Greg to help me through the weekend, so he calmed me down and together thought of a plan of action.
I checked the web and found that this is quite common at 6 weeks and last for 1 -3 days. Things started to return to normal yesterday when she feed at 8am and was asleep by 10am - so she stayed until 4pm. So the time between feeds was 8hrs instead of 3hrs.
So I fed and bathed her, I decided to gave Madison her first massage, my did she like that.... it was so wonderful to watch her lie there so content and relaxed. Then she had a little snack and was off to sleep again. I think the continual feeding tired her out as much as it did I.
It was so cute when I heard her making her horsy noise and went in to check on her, only to find her looking around so content. It so good to have my little girl back to normal.
Below is a rough feeding history, what goes unsaid is all the crying and tears in between:
Fri 08/09
01:30 - feed
04:30 - feed
09:00 - feed
11:00 - feed
13:00 - feed
15:00 - feed
18:00 - feed
Sat 09/09
02:00 - feed
05:00 - feed
08:00 - feed
16:00 - feed
19:00 - feed
Sun 10/09
03:30 - feed
07:30 - feed
10:00 - feed ..........
Posted by
11:03 am
Wow, time has gone quickly, I can't believe that 6 weeks ago I was about to deliver my darling daughter. I look forward to every second with her - she completely melts my heart when I just think of her. Maddy is such an angel and is doing so well at night - from time of going down I only feed her on average about 7 - 8 hrs later. Okay so Bibi was sleeping through at 3 weeks, but compared to her mother (who didn't sleep through until 3 yrs), Madison is a dream baby.
I didn't write on Tuesday, but I must say that we went to a mother and baby workshop, for the first time, called Space. Every Tuesday we will meet to socialise and get advise on everyday challenges, almost like a support group. This will continue to be something to look forward to each week. Maddy slept through the entire thing - 12:30 till 3:00 and then had booby and went back to sleep from 3:30 - 5pm.
I think the secret is routine - she loves her evening bath... I'll get a photo tonight.
Posted by
1:32 pm
Madison gave her Daddy a nice big smile on Father's Day - Daddy managed to catch a little one on camera. Maddy is really sleeping well at night, for the last 5 nights she has slept for about 8 straight hours. This has caused me to be a little confused durring the day when she wakes more often - as I assume I must feed her, but she just needs more awake time during the day. This weekend Maddy met her big brother (Connor) for the first time, they looked very cute together.
Posted by
12:06 pm
Today Greg and myself were rewarded with the most beautiful smile - I touched her top lip and said, 'Who's mommy's girl', and then it just appeared. So, I did it again and there it was, the smile of an Angel. We were so proud, we could see her smiling with her eyes. Our mission now is to capture it on camera. Oh, and last night, Madison had her feed at 7:00pm and went down to sleep at 8:30pm - the next time she woke for a feed was at 4am. Maddy is such a clever girl.
Posted by
12:12 pm
My little girl is now a month old and developing her own little character. She has the cutest annoyed cry and still gets hiccups every feed. There is the faintest hint of a smile every so often and if her wind smile is anything to go by, when she gives me her first full grin, I am going to absolutely melt. I took a photo on Friday morning when she was officially 4 weeks old - I think she is the most beautiful angel to have walk the earth.
Posted by
1:53 pm
I had to visit the doctor on the North Shore today, so we set off - it was great showing her off, as everyone at the Doctor's rooms wanted to have a peek. Again Madison was checking her eyelids for holes.
On the way home we stopped off to visit Daddy at work, there were a few people who anxiously wanted to see her - they couldn't believe how petite she was. At 3pm Maddy needed her afternoon snack and for the first time she feed away from home. It was so easy, no bottle preparation etc. and Maddy was so relaxed about it.
Posted by
5:17 pm
Today Mother and Daughter went for their first really long walk. We set out at about midday, not too sure where we were going, it turned out to be a type of Forest Gump walk. Mommy just kept on going and going - we ended up walking from home to Botany Downs Maternity Unit, this when we recovered for 5 days after Madison was born. All in all the walk was most enjoyable, I enjoyed getting out of the house and yet again Maddy took the days events in her stride ..... zzzzzzzzz.
Posted by
3:37 pm
Well, today Maddy and I ventured out into the big wide world alone. Madison was feed and piled into the car and we were off to visit Daddy at the Auckland show grounds. Daddy was very excited about the visit and loved showing off his daughter. At one stage Madison started grisling and me being a new mom assumed she wanted feeding - after a few attempts at shoving the boob in her mouth - which was met with a most annoyed face - I realised she was just letting us know she was still there. I put her back in her car seat and we said our good-byes to Daddy and were off home.
A spontainious decision was made to stop in at Nanna and Baloo's place for a short visit. Madison slept throughout the entire visit and Baloo took some gorgeous photos - one of which I've posted. This was Maddy's first visit at her Nanna and Baloo's house and she took it in her stride....zzzzzzzzzz.
Madison is doing so well at falling asleep on her own, yes at times she does protest, but she manages to doze off, waking hours later searching for booby - this is her favourite thing at the moment. It is so amazing watching her feed and having her stare up into my eyes, it like she is getting to know her mommy. Soon she will be giving me the biggest grin of recognition.
Posted by
8:29 pm
Well, Madison was actually due today, yet I already have the pleasure of 14 days with my lovely daughter. She is very alert at times and I can see her learning when she takes in her surroundings. I was told by the midwife that at about 5 weeks Maddy will start smiling and 'talking' - this is when Greg and myself will have to start speaking in a crazy new language to our little girl. However, the priceless reward of her adorable grin will be the perfect reward.
I have started teaching her to fall asleep on her own and she is doing so well. At times, like this afternoon, she takes a while to fall asleep after a bit of 'squawking' and making her horsy sounds she eventually falls asleep. This afternoon I went in her room to check on her and she was wide-eyed and looking around, but incredibly calm, yet 5min later she uttered a single yell just to disply her annoyance at me. I put her down at 1pm and by 2:30pm she was sound asleep, even now (6:20pm) she remains asleep - clever girl.
Yesterday Eileen - midwife - weighed her and she now is a lovely 3.31kg, her checks are getting a little chubby and Eileen is very happy with her, still commenting how lovely she is. In the week to come we will be getting our own digital cammera and then I can take photos, which I will post each time I write.
Yesterday her 'Nannie' (Greg's mum) and Grandpa (Bruce) visited and were blowen away by their gorgeous grandaughter. If Nannie could growl she would have... everytime I offered to take Madison off her, she held her the entire durration of the visit. I think Nannie is under Maddy's spell, but aren't we all.
Posted by
6:12 pm
The day Madison Charlott Evans was born was both unexpercted and yet anticipated, as she was due on 12 August 2006. She was born on the 27 July 2006 at 15:07 and her weight was 3.15kg or 6lbs 15oz. Maddy was and is a gorgeous little angel and holding her against my chest was overwhelming - feeding her was the most natural thing and took place almost straight away. The bond between mother and daughter was immediate and very powerful, the love being amazing.
Posted by
5:44 pm