So content
I can not beieve that 2006 is basically over it was over a year ago that I fell pregnant with my little princess. She is about to experience her first Christmas, not that she knows what all the fuss is about, ut she is going to be a lot of fun. The poor little sausage is so frustrated at the moment cause she wants to get going, but can't just yet. All she wants to do is stand - which is still her favourite party trick. Last Saturday Maddy started solids and on Sunday we were at Nana and Baloo's house, sitting outside under the umbrella. I went inside for something and when I came back out I found Nana had shoved a piece of celery in her month. She thoughly enjoyed it and loved muching on it.
Madison is such a smiler and reminds me so much of Kylie - they look so very much alike. She is starting to giggle more regularly, even when she is dog tired she can still manage a smile or giggle for her mommy.
Another thing she is really trying hard to perfect is sitting, she still has a bit to go before she cn manage on her own, but the important thing is that she is trying. The only thing she isn't intrested in yet is rolling, I thinks she must think she is silly - she knows that lying on her tummy is hard work.
I must say that I am still loving being with my daughter everyday - sometimes it is hard going, but all I need to keep me going is one of her gorgeous smiles ( which are plentiful).
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3:41 pm